15 Sep Ready for School? Healthy Snacks that Protect Your Smile
Backpacks loaded, lunches packed, supply lists shopped for—yes, it’s back-to-school time, and with it comes a long list of responsibilities and decisions. But, as a parent, you know that all of the activities are a part of life and are for the betterment of your child(ren). While homework nights and science projects may be stressful, some things can be much easier. For instance- making the choice to help your kids stay healthy by providing snacks that taste good and are beneficial for them.
If your goal is to ensure your kids eat healthy- whether at school or that vital afternoon snack- then it is important that you keep a selection of snacks on hand that your kids will enjoy. Thankfully, there is much to choose from, so let’s get started.
The Benefits of Providing Healthy Snacks for Your Kids
While there are many advantages to opting for healthy snacks, when you have kids in school, ensuring they eat healthy is more important than ever. Consider these benefits of healthy snacks and meals.
- Eating a nutritious meal and healthy snacks helps kids grow and develop properly and minimizes the risks of obesity and other chronic health concerns.
- Nutritious foods boost mental health, thus increasing concentration and focus.
- Healthy snacks and meals have been shown to improve students’ academically, emotionally, and physically.
- Having meals and healthy snacks from an early age helps children establish lifelong healthy eating habits.
- Eating fruits, veggies, and foods rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals will help support their immune systems. Thus, fewer days will be missed at school due to sickness.
Characteristics of Healthy Snacks for Back-to-School
Before you head to the grocery store, take a few minutes to consider what a healthy snack involves. After all, many snacks can seem healthy but, in reality, are not. To help in healthy snack selection, here are some characteristics to keep in mind.
- A healthy snack will help maintain a good energy level so one can stay focused.
- Healthy snacks will contain at least two of the four main food groups.
- Filling enough to keep one from additional snacking before the next meal.
- Look for snacks that are rich in fiber and protein.
- Healthy snacks will be between 150 and 250 calories and low in fats, sodium, and sugars.
- Remember, most kids will need one to two snacks a day, so you want those snacks to be healthy and stave off hunger.
Dentist-Approved Healthy Snacks
When choosing healthy snacks, consider your child’s overall health. However, this doesn’t mean that snacks should be flavorless and bland. Thankfully, many healthy snacks are available today, so your biggest challenge will be determining your child’s favorites. Here are a few to get you started.
- Yogurt parfait with fresh berries—This is especially helpful as yogurt contains calcium, which is vital for strong teeth and bones.
- Smoothies – Smoothies can be made with nearly any fruit, veggie, and yogurt. However, some items support a beautiful smile more than others. These include the following:
- Fruit and cheese. Again, the cheese contains calcium, but it also helps to neutralize the acid in fruits, thus serving as a buffer against tooth decay.
- Hummus with veggies or pita- Hummus is high in protein, making it more filling; opting for pita bread versus chips or crackers is not only a healthy snack option, but pita is less likely to get in the grooves or stuck between one’s teeth.
- Peanut butter, or other nut butters, on celery. It is a classic snack that works well as a filling and healthy snack. If you want to add something extra, sprinkle a few (3-5) chocolate chips on top. In the past, raisins and other dried fruits were suggested. However, dried fruits are not great for your teeth due to the sugar they contain and how easily they get stuck to the teeth.
- Almonds or cashews – These are low in carbohydrates and high in protein, so they won’t add to the risk of cavities.
Remember that just because your kids have a healthy snack does not override the need for brushing and flossing. No matter what your kids snack on, they must always brush their teeth after eating or drinking. This will help reduce the likelihood of developing cavities or other dental concerns.
Providing your kids with healthy snacks has many benefits for you and them. Decide now to make this school year the best one ever by doing your part in providing healthy snacks. After all, a healthy smile and a strong body will go a long way toward achieving a great school year and their plans.
Additional Resources:
Why School Lunches are Critical for Students’ Success?
Healthy Back-to-School Snack Ideas
Snack Nutrition: What Makes Up a Healthy Snack?